BUSINESS | 20:54 / 16.02.2019
8 min read

100,000-soum notes to be issued starting from February 25

From February 25 of this year, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan will issue new banknotes in the form of 100 thousand-soum denominations.

According to the Central Bank, the theme of the banknote in denominations of 100 thousand soums is devoted to the activities of the great Uzbek scientist Mirzo Ulugbek and his achievements in astronomy. The banknote with the size of 144 x 78 mm is made on special protected paper. There is a local watermark in the form of a portrait of Mirzo Ulugbek on the right edge of the banknote in the zone of the white oval field and a filigree watermark in the form of a figure of 100 thousand.

There is a fixed, highly protected diving thread, 5 mm wide with a 3D effect in the right part of the banknote in the thickness of the paper, which emerges onto the surface of the banknote. When viewed through the light, the security thread looks like a solid one. At any angle banknotes images on the thread have the effect of movement. Prevailing colors of the background at the front and back side are light brown and blue. There is a monument to Mirzo Ulugbek on the frontal left side of the banknote.

There is a color-alternating digit of 100 thousand in the upper left corner of the banknote and depending on the viewing angle, the color of the digit changes from purple to brown. In the lower part of the left side of the banknote against the background of the ornamental pattern, there is a latent image in the form of “UZB”, visible at a certain angle of inclination of the banknote to the light source.

The special element of green color, located in the left edge of the banknote, is intended for blind people. It allows determining the denomination of the banknote due to the tangible relief.

In the upper part of the banknote, on the right side of the monument, there is an image of the multifunctional astronomical instrument “Astralyabi”, which serves as a register combining the “face” with the “turnover” and when viewed through the light, it is complemented by a colored background from the back of the banknote. The text “O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI” is printed on the upper part of the banknote on its right side. In the upper right corner of the banknote, there is the Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan of brown color.

In the middle of the banknote, there is a diagram of the solar system. Depending on the viewing angle, the color of the image changes from golden to green. Planets of the solar system and six small planets are depicted around the orbit as octahedral stars of various sizes that have a color-variable property when viewed from a certain angle.
On the perimeter of the image of the orbits, there is a printed micro-text in the form of a repeating phrase “O’ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI”.

The text “BIR YUZ MING SO’M” is printed in the center of the lower part of the banknote and the text “O‘ZBEKISTON SO‘MI RESPUBLIKA HUDUDIDA HAMMA TO‘LOVLAR UCHUN O‘Z QIYMATI BO‘YICHA QABUL QILINISHI SHART” is placed underneath it.

The figure of 100 thousand, placed in the right corner of the banknote, is printed with clear borders of two colors – brown and green.

The number of the banknote, consisting of a two-letter Latin alphabet series and a seven-digit number, is printed in two places and has ferromagnetic properties in the lower right part and luminescent properties in the left part of the color field.

In the left part of the back of the banknote in the oval field, local watermarks are also viewed. The year of issue of the banknote into circulation is in the upper left corner in the center of the guilloche rosette.

An image of the observatory of Mirzo Ulugbek of brown color is in the center of the banknote is and the text “O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI MARKAZIY BANKI” is printed above it. The number “100000”, the text “BIR YUZ MING SO’M” are at the bottom of the banknote printed in blue and the text “O‘ZBEKISTON SO‘MINI QALBAKILASHTIRISH QONUNGA MUVOFIQ TA’QIB QILINADI” is under them.

All these images and the figure of 100 thousand, printed in the upper right corner, are made using metallographic printing (perceiving relief).

There is an image of the astronomical instrument of the arc quadrant on the right side of the banknote.

An outline of the map of the Republic of Uzbekistan is placed against the background of the center of the banknote, indicating on it the location of Samarkand the city, where the great scientist Mirzo Ulugbek conducted scientific activities. The general background of the map of Uzbekistan is made by a micro-text in the form of words “O‘ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASI”.

The Central Bank noted that along with banknotes and coins in circulation, banknotes in the amount of 100 thousand UZS issued are obligatory to receive at face value into all types of payments by all economic entities and population without restrictions.

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