BUSINESS | 18:40 / 29.03.2019
2 min read

Shares of Uzbekenergo in Uzsanoatkurilishbank and Ipoteka bank to be put up for sale

Earlier, it was reported that Uzbekenergo is waiting for reorganization. If earlier it was engaged in everything alone, now three new companies will appear for the transportation, distribution and sale of electric energy.

Accordingly, 10 companies that were part of Uzbekenergo are also reorganized or liquidated (for example, LLC “Center for personnel training”). In addition, shares of Uzbekenergo in 40 companies will be transferred to the State Assets Management Agency, which should sell them in 2019-2021.

There are two banks – Uzsanoatkurilishbank and Ipoteka bank among these companies. In both, the share of Uzbekenergo is 1.41%. Shares must be sold in 2019.

In addition, other assets that will put up for sale their shares are “Bukhoro dekhkon bozori” (0.07%), “Chul parrandasi” (100%), “Navoi savdo kompleksi” (5.4% and 1.75%), “Kurilish-lizing” (1.76%) and others.

59 more assets are buildings and premises. For example, a factory for the production of electricity meters, a sports complex “Fitness center”, a building of the monument “Farkhod”, warehouses, canteens and much more.

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