POLITICS | 14:56 / 01.04.2019
2 min read

Uzbekistan simplifies nostrification of foreign diplomas

In accordance with the Resolution № 261 of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 29, 2019, an amendment was introduced to the Regulation “On procedure for recognizing and nostrification of educational documents of foreign countries”. Lawyer Khushnudbek Khudayberdiyev has stated about this on his Telegram channel.

According to the amendment, a provision, which stated that the type of education should be corresponding to the practice in the Republic of Uzbekistan in order to meet the list of requirements for nostrification of foreign diplomas, was withdrawn.

Previously, the diploma obtained abroad had to be in the form of education existing in Uzbekistan. For example, we have not had extramural and evening form of education for a long time. Therefore, the diploma of those who studied abroad in the form of extramural education has not been nostrificated.

The similar problem still exists in distance education. At present, there is no remote education in Uzbekistan, so our distance learning at foreign universities is not recognized.

Now, the same requirement has been abolished and foreign diplomas obtained in any form of education can be recognized in Uzbekistan.

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