POLITICS | 15:01 / 03.09.2019
3 min read

NRNU MEPhI branch opens in Tashkent

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) branch opened in Tashkent, Kun.uz correspondent reports.

As noted, the ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Director General of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation Alexei Likhachev, Advisor to the Prime Minister, Minister of Energy Alisher Sultanov and other honored guests. 

“At present, our country pays great attention to the issues of personnel training, as this is the basis of any industry of the national economy. At the same time, the relevance and importance of this issue in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear technology is greatly increasing. Establishment the MEPhI branch in our country is key in resolving the issue of training highly qualified personnel for the sphere. Thousands of young people from all regions of Uzbekistan will be able to get higher education in nuclear energy management. This will allow them, in the future, to find a job in the high-tech sphere,” Abdulla Aripov said.

Aleksey Likhachev, in turn, said that the first NPP construction in Uzbekistan is a large-scale project, implementation of which is impossible without the development of personnel potential.

This year, admission was organized exclusively for undergraduate programs in four specialties:

Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermal Physics;
Nuclear Physics and Technology;
Thermal Energy and Power Engineering;
Electrical Energy and Electrical Technology.

It should be noted that high school students are trained in engineering and technical specialties in nuclear energy and thermal physics in accordance with international standards.

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