POLITICS | 15:02 / 14.12.2019
2 min read

Tanzila Narbayeva criticizes senators for not regularly raising issues of their constituency 

Photo: KUN.UZ

In Tashkent, the XXV plenary session of the Senate of Oliy Majlis has started its work.

Speaking at the opening of the session, Tanzila Narbayeva presented statistics on the activities of the Senate.

“In 2010-2014, the Senate approved 140 laws, and from 2015 until today more than 220 laws have been considered. It is noteworthy that 186 of these laws have been approved in the last three years. This indicates the intensity of the reforms in our country in recent years”. 

Tanzila Narbayeva noted that parliamentary inquiries have been instrumental in enforcing the laws. 

The Senate Chairman also criticized the work of some senators.

“Considering the priority of regional interests at the Senate, the issues of socio-economic development of regions, districts and cities should be in the focus of senators’ attention. Unfortunately, some senators have virtually failed to bring the issues of their constituency to the Senate level. However, in hearing and discussing the reports of only regional khokims, we have realized that there are many tasks and problems in developing the regions. These issues should have been raised by our senators, shouldn’t they?” Kun.uz correspondent quoted the Senate Chairman as saying.

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