SOCIETY | 22:35 / 29.06.2020
3 min read

Shavkat Mirziyoyev sends a congratulatory message to young people of Uzbekistan on Youth Day

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has sent a congratulatory message to the country’s youth in connection with the Youth Day, celebrated on June 30. The congratulatory message was presented by the presidential press service.

Dear sons and daughters!

I am very pleased to sincerely congratulate all of you on Youth Day and express my deep love and best wishes.

Today, we are glad that the role and influence of our courageous youth in the implementation of socio-political and economic reforms aimed at building a new Uzbekistan is growing.

In all spheres of our life, millions of young people are selflessly serving in the honorable task of defending the Motherland. Hundreds of young men and women with mature political and strong civic positions, as members of our parliament and local councils of people’s deputies, hold senior posts in state and economic administration bodies and local authorities.

About 227,000 young entrepreneurs and farmers, skilled craftsmen working effectively in the country are making a worthy contribution to the development of our economy. Necessary conditions are being created in Uzbekistan for their full support.

This year, the coronavirus pandemic and the disasters in Bukhara and Syrdarya regions have tested the willpower of our young people. In such difficult situations, thousands of our boys and girls showed true courage and set an example for all their peers.


In particular, it is commendable that the vast majority of proponents in the Nationwide Movement “Generosity and Support” are youth, and 4,500 members of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan are actively working as volunteers within the Movement.

Dear compatriots!

Today, a new generation is being brought up in Uzbekistan, which is capable of continuing the great work we have begun to build a free and prosperous life.

Dear sons and daughters!

Never forget that our people, our Motherland expect great things from you.

To live up for this trust and responsibility, to be worthy of it is the greatest happiness in the world. May you all have such happiness and honor!

I once again sincerely congratulate you on your favorite holiday, the holiday of courage, beauty and perfection – the Youth Day and wish you good health, happiness and good luck.

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