POLITICS | 17:17 / 20.10.2021
3 min read

Senators criticize government’s execution of state program

At the twentieth plenary session of the Senate, a report was heard from the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation in the third quarter of the state program for implementing the actions strategy for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in five priority areas in the “Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening Public Health”. 

Photo: senat.uz

According to the parliamentary press service, the instructions specified in paragraphs 49, 103, 105, 120 of the program were not fulfilled on time, as a result of which the timely implementation of some important tasks was not ensured.

Thus, a normative legal act has not been adopted to popularize life and personal insurance among the population, to promote them on a large scale, and to develop types of personal insurance. The order to create an online platform aimed at organizing cooperation with employers in order to employ graduates in the field of tourism has not been fulfilled at the proper level.

Also, a government decree was not adopted to improve the efficiency of centralized investments aimed at socio-economic goals, to introduce a public investment management assessment (PIMA) system.

In addition, work has not been completed on a repeated historical and cultural examination of all real estate objects of cultural heritage and the formation of a national list of cultural heritage objects in the framework of ensuring accounting, preservation and protection of objects, the creation of an electronic portal, its integration with state electronic services, registration of the state cadastral document and placement of relevant information in a unified system of state cadastres.

Senators expressed dissatisfaction with the unsatisfactory state of the work carried out in certain regions to organize the activities of youth technoparks.

Upon completion of the discussions, an appropriate resolution was adopted to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of all tasks of the state program.

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