TECH | 14:07 / 08.02.2022
3 min read

IT Park residents increased exports by almost 3 times over a year

Of more than 500 technopark resident companies, one in five exports IT services.


The number of IT Park residents at the end of 2021 was 523, the technopark press service reported.

221 companies became residents in 2021, of which 104 were established at the same time. Another 88 companies were denied this status. 124 enterprises lost their residency.

The main part of the activity of IT Park residents is concentrated in the capital – more than 80% of companies with this status have offices here. The regions of Uzbekistan account for only 92 companies.

So far, most of the enterprises in the IT Park have been created by Uzbeks – only 18 resident companies have been created with the participation of foreign investments.

The main areas of activity of the technopark residents are software development, data processing, business process automation and training in IT specialties. In total, these companies employ 9,850 people, including 7,400 developers.

During the year, IT Park resident companies provided services worth 2.5 trillion soums. About 20% of this amount comes from exports.

In 2021, the revenue of exporters amounted to $46 million, or 2.8 times higher than the level of the previous year. In 2022, it is planned to increase exports to $80 million, and in 2025 – to $500 million.

104 residents of the technopark are engaged in deliveries of services abroad, of which 59 are developers and 45 are in the field of outsourcing. At the same time, outsourcing prevails in export earnings from 62%.

The structure of exports by country is dominated by the United States – they account for 83.2% of the total volume. The UK provided 5% of export production, Russia – 3%, Korea accounted for 2%.

Before that, Spot explained what gives the status of an IT Park resident and how to get it.

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