POLITICS | 17:36 / 03.08.2022
3 min read

Corruption-related crimes caused material damage worth 1.2 trillion soums to interests of the state and society in 2021

A meeting of the Senate Judiciary and Anti-Corruption Committee was held before the next plenary session.

Photo: senat.uz

At this meeting, which was held with the participation of members of the standing commissions of local councils on ensuring legality and fighting corruption, representatives of ministries and agencies, and experts, senators discussed the national report on fighting corruption in Uzbekistan presented by the Anti-Corruption Agency.

As a result of the actions against corruption crimes in the republic, 3,769 corruption-related criminal cases were sent to the courts in 2021. As a result of these crimes, 1 trillion 282 billion soums of material damage was caused to the interests of the state and society. This indicator has increased by 3 times compared to 2020.

According to reports, most of the corruption crimes occurred in the Ministries of Health, Public Education, Preschool Education, Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, and banking system organizations.

In terms of regions, it was criticized that the worst indicators were recorded in Tashkent city, Surkhandarya, Navoi, Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Kashkadarya, Khorezm regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the state program for the implementation of the New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022-2026 in the “Year of Honoring Human Dignity and Active Mahalla” by the end of the first half of 2022 was also discussed by senators.

As it was said during the review of the report, the total expenditures of the state budget amounted to 103.0 trillion, the total expenditures increased by 29.9% compared to the same period last year.

During the discussion, in addition to the positive actions, shortcomings and delays in the implementation of some items were criticized, in particular, 17 of the 30 goals planned for the reporting period in the I and II sections of the state program were not fulfilled.

At the end of the meeting, a relevant decision of the committee was adopted.

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