SOCIETY | 18:14 / 15.11.2023
3 min read

Verdict of first instance court on “Kompromat case” remains unchanged

The appeals of Kh.Daliyev and S.Khoshimov, who were convicted of extortion and other crimes and sentenced to imprisonment, were considered in the appellate court. In it, the first instance court’s verdict was left unchanged, and the appeals were not satisfied.


On November 14, appeals submitted by defendants Kh.Daliyev, S.Khoshimov and their defenders were considered at the appellate instance of the criminal trial panel of the Tashkent city court. Aziz Obidov, the Supreme Court press secretary, informed about this.

According to the decision of the appellate court, the part of the judgment of the Shaykhantakhur district court on criminal proceedings on September 26 of this year regarding Kh.Daliyev and S.Khoshimov was left unchanged, and the complaints presented were left unsatisfied.

Also, the parties dissatisfied with this decision have the right to appeal or protest to the Supreme Court in the cassation procedure in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedural law.

It should be recalled that on January 27 of this year, the director of the site, Khurshid Daliyev, was taken away from the publishing office on suspicion of involvement in extortion crimes committed through “Kompromatuzb” on Telegram and other channels.

Later, it became known that the former head of the press service of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations Mavluda Mirzayeva and the press secretary of “Uzbekneftgaz” Siyovush Khoshimov were also arrested on this case.

On September 26, 2023, the closed trial of the criminal case against them ended in the Shaykhantakhur district court, and the verdict was announced.

According to it, Khurshid Daliyev was found guilty under 4 articles of the Criminal Code, and was sentenced to imposition of a fine in the amount of 300 BCAs and imprisonment for 7 years, while depriving him of the right to work in mass media and engage in journalism and blogging activities for 3 years.

Siyovush Khoshimov was found guilty of committing crimes under Article 3 of the Criminal Code. He was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment. The court deprived him of the right to work in mass media for 3 years, as well as engage in journalism and blogging activities.

Other defendants Akhmadulla Akhmadjanov and Mavluda Mirzayeva have not filed an appeal against the verdict of the first instance court. They were given non-custodial sentences.

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