SOCIETY | 16:22 / 18.11.2023
2 min read

Civil servants embezzle more than 1.2 thousand tons of coal in three regions

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm and Navoi regions, cases of theft of coal allocated for sale to the population at preferential prices have been identified.

Photo: PGO Department

According to the Department under the Prosecutor General’s Office, during the pre-investigation check carried out by the Urgench district PGO department, it was identified that the head of the Urgench coal warehouse of “Kumir ta’minot” LLC M.N. and others, having issued false documents stating that coal was supplied to the population at a preferential price, embezzled 678.5 tons of coal.

During pre-investigation checks carried out by the PGO departments in the city of Nukus, Turtkul, Amudarya and Kungrad districts, it was detected that the responsible persons of the above-mentioned city and district warehouses of “Kumir ta’minot” LLC stole a total of 435.5 tons of coal intended for sale to the population by preferential prices.

Similarly, during the pre-investigation inspection conducted by the Navoi regional PGO department, it was found out that the responsible persons of the Kiziltepa coal warehouse of “Kumir ta’minot” LLC stole 156.3 tons of coal.

On the above facts, criminal cases have been initiated under Article 167 (Embezzlement) and Article 228 (Forgery of documents, stamps, seals, forms, their sale or use) of the Criminal Code. Currently, investigative actions are being carried out.

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