SOCIETY | 18:03 / 11.12.2023
2 min read

Blogger Otabek Sattoriy transferred to a colony settlement 

In 2021, the blogger was found guilty of extortion and libel and sentenced to 6.5 years in prison.

Photo: Social networks

It should be recalled that in May 2021, the Muzrabad district criminal court in Surkhandarya sentenced blogger Otabek Sattoriy to 6 years and 6 months in prison.

According to the case materials, O. Sattoriy was found guilty under Paragraph “a” of Article 165-3 (Extortion on an especially large scale) and Paragraphs “a” and “d” of Article 139-3 (Slander, combined with an accusation of committing a grave or especially grave crime, for mercenary or other base motives) of the Criminal Code.

As was informed by the Supreme Court press service, the day before the Navoi city court received a request to transfer the convict O. Sattoriy to a colony settlement.

Since the prisoner had served at least one third of his sentence and had also firmly embarked on the path of recovery, his petition was granted.

The prisoner will spend the remaining 3 years 8 months 27 days in the colony settlement.

It is worth noting that in colony settlements, convicts can move freely around the territory of the colony in civilian clothes at all times. They are also free to travel outside the territory of the colony without supervision with the permission of the administration, if this is required by the work they perform or the education they receive. They also have the right to keep money and valuables with them, and talk on the phone at any time.

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