SOCIETY | 19:27 / 21.12.2023
4 min read

Uzbekistan to be able to cover 100% of its electricity needs next year

The Minister of Energy said that the energy system may experience various accidents at the local level, but the indicators of electricity production reach a level that can meet the demand even during the periods of peak consumption. “If we cannot fulfill this task, I and all the officials in the system are unfit to work,” Mirzamakhmudov said.

Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov / Photo: Energy Intelligence

In 2024, the indicators of electricity production in Uzbekistan will reach the level of 100% satisfaction even at the time of the highest demand, promised the Minister of Energy Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov.

The head of the energy system told about this in an interview with journalist Aziza Kurbanova. After the minister gave information about the work being done in the system, at the end of the conversation, the journalist asked him the following question:

“If our work goes as fast as you say, will we be able to achieve uninterrupted energy supply in all regions of our country in the near future? How long can it take? Do you believe it, so is it possible? Can we eventually reach 99% in every village, every village?”

According to Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov, the ministry is tasked with meeting the demand for electricity by 100%, not 99%, and this result will be achieved in 2024.

“99% means we couldn’t provide someone. In September, October, November, if we do not take into account some technical interruptions, accidents... We were forced to introduce restrictions in November last year. This year, thank God, there were no restrictions at all in November, and all enterprises and residents were supplied uniformly and continuously.

Previously, we had the highest consumption only in winter, but now, as a result of the increase in the income of the population, the use of air conditioning by everyone, and the increase in the number of apartment buildings, the consumption is also very high in the summer. The available capacities allow to fully meet the summer demand.

Of course, somewhere in the system there will be events such as a network disconnection, a transformer burns out, a fire or a fault occurs, but from the generation side, we will be able to cover 100% of our internal needs from next year. We will provide it. And such a task is assigned to us. If we fail to fulfill the assigned task, I think that not only I, but all the officials in our system are unfit to work,” said the Minister of Energy.

It should be noted that, although Mirzamakhmudov said in November that “no restrictions were introduced at all” on electricity, has information that scheduled restrictions of up to 2 hours per day were introduced in some areas of Tashkent region.

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