SOCIETY | 15:05 / 07.02.2024
3 min read

Uzbekistan ranks 56th in Global Gender Data Availability

Uzbekistan has scored 37 points in the "Gender Data Compass" ranking, placing it 56th out of 183 countries and 3rd in Central Asia for gender data availability and openness. The international non-profit organization Open Data Watch, which published the results, urged Uzbekistan to address gaps in gender data and increase transparency by making the information available in more open formats.


Kazakhstan achieved 4th place globally with a high score, while Kyrgyzstan came in at 45th. The United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Korea, and Denmark were the top three leaders in the index.

Countries in the "Gender Data Compass" are evaluated based on five criteria: data access, openness, fundamentals, opportunities, and funding. Uzbekistan's lowest score was for funding, which is crucial for the sustainability of gender data systems, according to the statement by the organization. Adequate funding from internal and external sources is essential as it facilitates the collection, analysis, dissemination, and utilization of necessary gender information, which in turn supports evidence-based gender policies that can improve the lives of both men and women.

Open Data Watch recommended that Uzbekistan publish more gender data to fill existing gaps. "Of the 53 indicators assessed in the GDC, 10 were not published on any government website or portal. Additionally, 14 pieces of published data were not broken down by gender. Gender-disaggregated data are key to overcoming gender inequality and supporting gender policies based on factual evidence that improve the lives of men and women," the organization's review stated.

The second recommendation pertains to the publication of more gender data in open formats as none of the 8 datasets evaluated in Uzbekistan's "Gender Data Compass" were found to be published in open format.

The Statistics Agency is the authorized body maintaining gender statistics in Uzbekistan. According to the agency, there are currently over 180 indicators related to gender statistics available on its website in three languages and in five different formats across various sections.