SOCIETY | 21:38 / 02.05.2024
3 min read

Tehran hosts Uzbekistan-Iran Business Forum 

Uzbekistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry representatives, along with officials from the Bukhara and Samarkand regional authorities and more than 65 entrepreneurs from various regions of the country, participated in the “Iran Expo–2024” international exhibition in Tehran.

More than 2,000 business representatives from 120 countries and over 800 Iranian companies showcased their trade capabilities at the event.

A business forum was held at the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture and Tarbiat Modares University, attended by business community representatives from Uzbekistan and Iran.

Members of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, the Joint Iranian-Uzbek Chamber of Commerce, the leadership of the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization, representatives of more than 80 Iranian companies, and managers of more than 50 Uzbek companies participated in the meeting.

Uzbekistan's Ambassador Fariddin Nasriev introduced the business forum participants to the opportunities and advantages created for investors and entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan and also made a presentation on the trade-economic and investment potential of the republic.

Information was also provided about the establishment of a dedicated industrial zone for Iranian enterprises in the Khorezm region to expand trade-economic and investment cooperation between the two countries. It was proposed to implement joint projects in this industrial zone.

The leadership of the Iran Chamber of Commerce stated that the current trade turnover between the countries does not correspond to the existing potential and that there are great opportunities to increase the volumes of mutual trade up to 1 billion dollars. The Iran Chamber of Commerce expressed readiness to make all necessary efforts. It was emphasized that the recent business forum will serve to accelerate the trade-economic relations between Iran and Uzbekistan.

As part of the business forum, bilateral meetings and negotiations in the B2B format were held between companies and business representatives of the two countries.

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