SOCIETY | 20:36 / 10.05.2024
2 min read

16 cases of laser targeting aircraft recorded in Uzbekistan since beginning of last year 

In the last five months, six such cases have been reported. Uzbekistan Airports reminded that the use of lasers that pose a threat to the lives of passengers and crew is subject to administrative liability.

In Uzbekistan, there are more and more cases of interference with laser beams during takeoff and landing of aircraft, which can lead to serious consequences, the press service of Uzbekistan Airports reported.

In 2023, 10 cases were recorded, and from January 1 to May 10 of this year, 6 cases were reported. Data on such incidents are established on the basis of crew requests.

The company reminded that citizens for these actions can be prosecuted according to the article of the 116-1 of the Administrative Responsibility Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Creating interference with a laser beam during the operation of the aircraft).

According to this article, the interference during the operation of the aircraft by pointing a laser beam at the aircraft entails the imposition of a fine of 100 to 200 BCAs or administrative arrest up to 15 days with the confiscation of the objects of the offense.

In order to prevent possible accidents that could cause damage and endanger the life and health of passengers and crew members of aircraft, we ask all citizens to comply with the requirements for ensuring flight safety, the report reads.

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