POLITICS | 11:59 / 13.05.2024
2 min read

Draft law “On election of mahalla chairman” published

The candidacy of the chairman will be nominated on the basis of a proposal submitted by at least 10% of the total number of citizens with the right to vote, permanently or temporarily residing in the relevant territory.

Photo: Kun.uz

The draft law “On election of mahalla chairman” is posted on the portal for discussing draft legal acts.

The new draft Law consists of 6 chapters and 35 articles (the current law is 5 chapters and 35 articles) and includes the following main innovations:

1) the election of the mahalla chairman is carried out by secret ballot on the basis of universal, equal, direct suffrage;

2) the composition, rights and responsibilities of observers participating in all events related to the preparation and conduct of elections, voting booths on election day and vote counting are determined;

3) it is stipulated that a candidate for the position of mahalla chairman is nominated on the basis of a proposal made by at least 10% of the total number of citizens with the right to vote, living permanently or temporarily in the relevant area;

4) the composition and powers of the working group for organizing and conducting elections for the mahalla chairman are specified, in particular, it is given responsibility for equipping voting premises and maintaining the necessary order in them;

5) the procedure for obtaining the appointment of proxies for the election campaign of a candidate for the position of mahalla chairman is determined.

The role and place of the Association of Mahallas of Uzbekistan and its territorial divisions in the elections is also clarified, as well as the exact procedure and timing of re-voting and elections of the mahalla chairman for vacant seats.

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