POLITICS | 09:38 / 21.06.2024
3 min read

Senate of Oliy Majlis to convene for 53rd plenary session today

The meeting will consider candidates for the post of Prosecutor General, head of the Committee for Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights, changes to the composition of the Supreme Judicial Council and other issues.

At the following meeting of the Council of the Senate of Oliy Majlis, a resolution was adopted to convene the 53rd plenary meeting of the Senate. It is scheduled for June 21, the press service of the parliamentary upper house reported.

A number of issues are planned to be discussed at the meeting. Among them are the Laws “On the recognition of rights to unauthorized occupied land plots and buildings and structures built on them”, “On the introduction of amendments and additions to certain legislative acts in connection with the improvement of legislation in the field of cybersecurity”, “On the introduction of additions and amendments to the Law “On the rights of persons with disabilities”.

Senators will also consider the Laws “On introducing additions and changes to certain legislative acts in connection with further improvement of the system of legal protection of intellectual property” and “On introducing additions and changes to certain legislative acts in connection with determining the procedure for registering trade union organizations that do not have status of a legal entity”.

In addition, it is planned to discuss the Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Criminal, Criminal Procedural and Administrative Responsibility Codes, aimed at combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, their analogues or psychotropic substances, as well as potent and toxic substances”.

Along with this, the laws “On Amendments and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts” and “On the Ratification of the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (Singapore, March 27, 2006)” will be considered.

Senators will discuss issues on the implementation of measures for comprehensive socio-economic development and employment of the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the state of work on the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs in mahallas of the Samarkand region.

Issues regarding candidacy for the position of Prosecutor General, election of the chairman of the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights, and changes to the composition of the Supreme Judicial Council will also be considered.

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