SOCIETY | 15:20 / 02.08.2024
2 min read

Uzbekistan introduces accountability for state agencies refusing to hire women victims of violence

Norms are being introduced to hold state organizations, and those with a state share of fifty percent or more, accountable for unjustifiably refusing to hire them.

A draft law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Amendments and Additions to the Law 'On Employment of the Population'" has been announced.

The draft law introduces the following amendments to the Law "On Employment of the Population":

Local labor authorities will provide employment services to job-seeking and unemployed individuals, including referring women with relevant skills who are victims of pressure and violence (as listed by the "Inson" Social Services Centers) to state agencies and organizations for employment.

Women with relevant skills who are victims of pressure and violence, listed by the "Inson" Social Services Centers, will be registered as job seekers with local labor authorities without the need for their direct application.

Norms are being introduced to hold state organizations, and those with a state share of fifty percent or more, accountable if they unjustifiably refuse to hire individuals referred for employment by local labor authorities, including women with relevant skills who are victims of pressure and violence, listed by the "Inson" Social Services Centers, when there are available (vacant) positions.

The adoption of the draft law will enhance the effectiveness of employment services provided to the population and strengthen the social protection of women with relevant skills who are victims of pressure and violence by ensuring their employment.

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