POLITICS | 19:39
3 min read

Uzbekistan to increase education and healthcare spending by 20% in 2025

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting to discuss the anticipated economic outcomes for the current year and the main macroeconomic indicators planned for 2025, including the state budget.

According to the report, Uzbekistan’s economy grew by 6.6% over the past nine months, with industrial output increasing by 7%. By the end of the year, a minimum 6% growth rate is expected. Notably, for the first time, Uzbekistan's gold and foreign currency reserves have exceeded $40 billion. Additionally, the population's deposits in the national currency increased by 50%.

Due to growing confidence from foreign investors, Uzbekistan successfully issued $4 billion worth of Eurobonds on international markets. As a result, the share of investments in the country’s GDP is expected to surpass 33% this year, while exports are projected to increase by nearly 19%.

The meeting also addressed key tasks in the economic and investment sectors. It was emphasized that the only way to increase budget revenues without changing the main tax rates is to improve tax administration. President Mirziyoyev stressed that this should be achieved not by interfering in business operations, but through digitization, artificial intelligence, and measures to bring the shadow economy into the open.

Plans for the 2025 economic strategy were also reviewed. It was noted that all necessary conditions are in place to sustain GDP growth next year. To ensure this, timely implementation of planned projects and the development of transportation logistics, information technologies, agricultural, and financial services are essential. The president also gave instructions to review the efficiency of tax incentives and reduce the shadow economy.

As part of fiscal decentralization efforts, 78 districts will become financially self-sufficient next year. They will retain full revenues from land, property, and turnover taxes, as well as 50% of income taxes collected in their regions.

In line with the government's commitment to social development, the meeting revealed plans to increase spending on education and healthcare by 20% in 2025.

Based on the discussions, the main directions of the 2025 State Budget have been outlined. In accordance with legislation, the draft budget and measures to ensure its implementation will be discussed at local councils before being submitted to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis.

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