BUSINESS | 15:54 / 01.06.2022
3 min read

Uzbekistan plans to harvest over 2.5 million tons of wheat

This year it is planned to harvest 2,550 thousand tons of wheat at an average of 2.5 tons from each hectare of irrigated areas.

Photo: Getty Images

According to the portal, this measure is provided for in the decree of the head of state adopted on May 28 “On additional measures to introduce the market principle in the cultivation and sale of grain”. 

According to the document, the proposals of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan and regional khokimiyats on the purchase of 1,783.5 thousand tons of wheat as a marketable wheat of the state resource and 266.5 thousand tons of seeds at the expense of the State Support Fund for Agriculture were also approved. In addition, it is planned to accept 500,000 tons of grain for temporary storage from a commercial representative of the fund for further sale at exchange auctions by farms and other grain producers.

The document establishes the procedure in accordance with which wheat of the following classes, purchased at the expense of the fund and accepted for temporary storage from wheat producers, is sold through exchange trading without any restrictions:

- wheat of the 3rd class and above - to business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, having the capacity for the production of flour, who have assumed obligations to sell at least 75% of the wheat purchased on the exchange through exchange trading;
- wheat of the 4th and 5th classes - to all business entities.

In addition, the Republican Staff was organized to ensure transparency, full and fair operation of the new system for the sale and purchase of grain, the interest of wheat producers, preventing price increases and shortages of flour and grain products in the domestic market.

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