SOCIETY | 12:06 / 29.03.2024
1 min read

Deputy governors of Kasbi, Karshi, Bakhmal and Turakurgan districts dismissed

30 officials in charge of construction, public utilities and environmental issues were brought to disciplinary liability.


Under the chairmanship of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a videoconference meeting began on organizing the spring planting season within the framework of the “Yashil Makon” project, the sowing campaign and improving waste management.

The President noted that during the inspection of the activities of regional and district governors in charge of construction, public utilities and environmental issues, and responsible heads of ministries and departments, 30 officials were brought to disciplinary liability.

In particular, the deputy governors of the Kasbi, Karshi, Bakhmal and Turakurgan districts were dismissed. The governors of these districts, as well as the deputy governors of 6 districts and a number of other leaders were reprimanded.

The heads of all environmental agencies have been assigned a probationary period.

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