SOCIETY | 17:04 / 19.12.2023
3 min read

Financial pyramid organizers who embezzled more than $180,000 sentenced in Syrdarya

Fraudsters, promising citizens an increase in income, illegally received from them more than $180,000, which they spent on their own needs.

Photo: Frame from the video

According to court documents, a 31-year-old man living in the Boyovut district of Syrdarya region created a company together with several individuals. Afterwards, they convinced citizens that they could increase their money through the stock exchange. People who believed in this invested their money up to $30,000.

However, several months later, when there was no sign of income, the victims filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

During the inspection, it was found out that the contracts concluded with citizens were not registered anywhere, and the money was not transferred to the company’s account.

Despite the fact that this type of activity is considered uninsured, the scammers assured citizens that in the event of bankruptcy of the company, their funds would be insured.

Thus, they fraudulently received $174,900 and 129 million soums from citizens of different regions; the received funds were spent on their own needs.

It is noted that among the members of the criminal group were the directors of urban insurance centers in the city of Yangiyer and Syrdarya region.

In court, the head of the financial pyramid pleaded guilty and said that the people brought the money voluntarily, he did not know how much money he received from each of the victims.

According to the verdict of the Gulistan city criminal court, the head of the company was sentenced to 8 years and 4 months in prison, and another member of the criminal group was sentenced to 8 years and 2 months in prison. The third member of the criminal group received 3 years in prison, taking into account the fact that she is a woman and the extent of her participation in the crime.

In addition, the defendants must pay compensation to the victims.

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